Wednesday, August 27, 2008


 edgeHello everyone.  As some of you who have followed my blogs before may know, I spent last summer in Washington D.C.  I participated in a Navigator Summer Training Program.  You can read my old blog posts if you are interested in knowing about last year.  However, I am now beginning a brand new journey! 

After seeking God this past year on where He wanted me to go after graduating college, He lead me apply for EDGE Corps with the Navigators.  EDGE Corps is a one to two year internship doing college ministry at a campus somewhere in the country.  After applying and interviewing, the Navigators invited me to be a part of EDGE.  So the news on where I am heading is.......

SAN DIEGO, California!  I will be serving as Navigator staff with the ministry at the University of California, San Diego.  I am so excited for this opportunity and cannot wait to head to campus.  I will be investing in the lives of students at UCSD, sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.  I honestly cannot think of anything I would rather be doing next year more than building relationships with college students and live as a light for Christ. 


I would like to invite you to pray for the students at UCSD and for the Navigator ministry I will be working with.  I will continue to update this blog quite often and will send out monthly emails as well.  If you would like to receive monthly email prayer and ministry updates please feel free to send me your email address either in the comments section of this blog or email me at

I am so excited for this year and all God will do.  More on the ministry, EDGE Corps, prayer requests, giving opportunities, and many, many stories of what God is doing are to come in future posts.  I love you all and hope to connect with you soon!

In the Lord,

         Stephen R Holechek