Sunday, September 18, 2011

2011 Sunland Kickoff and Our New Team


Last weekend all of the collegiate staff of the Sunland Region (California, Hawaii, Arizona, Nevada, and Utah) met up in La Quinta, California for a two day conference. The kickoff is a way for everyone to launch into the new school year together as staff at different campuses, seeking the Lord in prayer, learning out of His Word, and discussing our vision and calling. I love these times each year, getting to see other staff, share about ministry, hear about summer training programs and missions, and get refreshed in fellowship. Something neat and exciting this year, is Tess had the opportunity to plan and run the conference behind the scenes. She really served the region and its staff by planning and coordinating the weekend. I love watching her use some of the gifts God’s given her in ways that she enjoys using them, serving Him!

293901_690234597881_71000889_35529356_7073566_nDuring the kickoff, it’s also a great time to spend as a staff team at UCSD. This year we have a staff team of six again, however a little different. Tim and Stacey are still our directing couple, Diana, who joined our team last year is still with us this year, and our newest addition is Lawrence, a UCSD Alum who ended his time in grad school last year. We are so excited to have Lawrence (In picture on right) join us this year as a first year EDGER. He comes with great experience and a deep knowledge of the campus and the average UCSD student. Our teammate from last year, Erin, is engaged to be married in December and is planning on working in the business world this year. We’ll miss her, but are so happy for her.

The last day of the kickoff, Tess and I attended our first NavWest training Bible study of the year. NavWest is an every other week training session for Staff in Training and EDGE Corps staff. Every other Thursday we head to Orange County to participate in Bible study discussion, of which we have prepped beforehand, with other staff in our region that are also in training. At these NavWest Bible Studies we also get poured into on crucial ministry topics and philosophies, such as how to lead investigative Bible discussions, how to make discipleship follow up plans, how to speak/teach/preach at large groups, etc. We both love these times because we continue to learn and grow, being fed spiritually, and have the chance to bond with other staff our age.

As the Kickoff drew to a close, Tess and I left feeling so refreshed and incredibly excited about this coming school year. We are really trusting God for big things on campus at UCSD this year! Beginning tomorrow, we will be launching our new school year. Classes begin on Thursday the 22nd and leading up to class day, we will be tabling, recruiting and meeting hundreds of new freshmen who move onto campus for the first time. These students are searching for meaning, for identity, and for truth. Will you pray with us, as we recruit students over the next two weeks, that God will bring those He has already prepared, into our lives and ministry? We desire to love students where they are at, advancing the Gospel in their lives, and see them grow such a passion for God and His word. Thank you for praying with us and standing with in spirit at UCSD.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Answered Prayer on My Mom’s Health

Dear readers and prayer warriors,

In the past, I have asked for prayer for my mom and her 6+ years battle with ovarian cancer. Up until recently, I really haven’t had a lot of good news to share or report. God had allowed her cancer points to rise over the last year higher than they ever have been. Needless to say, we have been fearful of how long mom could keep going and what would happen when options ran out. However, in the last two months, it seems God is intervening on mom’s behalf in big ways. God works in His ways and in His time, and of course that is not to say God wasn’t working before.

Isaiah 55:8-9

8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, 
   neither are your ways my ways,” 
            declares the LORD. 
9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth, 
   so are my ways higher than your ways 
   and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Sometime in the last 4 months or so, my parents came across information about a medical treatment involving what are called inhibitors, medicine which keeps cancer cells from repairing themselves. After doing some research, my dad found that there are only two clinical trials in the entire country using inhibitors having to do with ovarian cancer, one in Los Angeles and one in Philadelphia. After going through the rigors of trying to get into the trial in Philadelphia, which was the only one open, my parents hadn’t heard back on whether she was going to be included in the trial. By faith, they purchased airline tickets, praying that my mom would get in. As the day to fly approached, the clinical trial finally emailed and gave her the great news: She was in! Shortly after, my mom and dad traveled to Philadelphia. However, as they were flying in the air, the pharmaceutical company decided to close the trial and told the Doctor to turn all of the potentially new patients away. Knowing mom and dad were in the air on the way, the Doctor and the clinical trial pleaded with the company handling the treatment drug to allow mom in to the trial. The Lord worked once again on mom’s behalf and the company allowed the trial to accept her, but no one else. The trial was meant to have 280 patients. She is number 281. Praise God!

Since starting the trial two and half months ago, my mom’s cancer points have dropped by at least 1000! This is the greatest drop in numbers she has experienced! To be honest, about 3 months ago, I personally was really starting to worry how much time we had left. And now, after 6 years of praying, battling, and waiting on the Lord, God has intervened in His own way. There are no promises of tomorrow or what God will do next, but Tess and I, and our entire family are grateful for the prayers of everyone who has sought the Lord on mom’s behalf. We are excited about the possibility of mom getting healthier and continuing to battle and possibly beat the cancer.

Please, continue praying for my mom as we all trust the Lord. We give all the glory and honor to Jesus for working in supernatural ways in this area of life this summer. We love you and always want to know how we can be lifting you up in prayer.  Thank you so much for standing with us!

In Christ,
