Hello and happy July. We have now been out here in DC for over a month. We only have 4 weeks left in the program, which is kind of a scary thought. I think it will end up coming much too quickly. Work has told us that after this 4th of July week our internship will fly by. We'll just have to wait and see.
This next week will be a little bit more of a relaxed week at work. Not much will be going on. This weekend some of us decided to do a little sight seeing. I got to take a White House Tour yesterday with another intern and then joined up with some other people from teh program in the afternoon to go to the International Spy Museum. They were both pretty neat. I love seeing the history in the White House and other buildings.
This week in the program has been a pretty fun and relational one. On Tuesday and Wednesday night I played a few games with different people and had a great time just getting to them better and laughing. Work is still going well. God continues to open up neat opportunites and experiences. I have been priveleged enough to go to a few receptions and other events for different reasons. All in all, God has made it into a fun week. I have also gotten to hang out with some more people in the dorms. I am looking forward to becoming better friends with people for the rest of the summer.
One hard thing for me lately is finding time to process. I feel like I am learning a lot about myself and God, but i'm taking in a lot and it's hard to organize and grasp it all. One thing God has been revealing more to me this week through a series of thoughts and emotions is that I come to God often to talk and pray about my thoughts and other things going on, but I rarely take the time to just listen. It is much easier for me to tell God my thoughts and what is going on and pray for things in life than for me to just sit and listen and relax with God. I have found that God loves to use others to reflect to me things I need to realize and look at in my own life. This is one of those things. I have found myself listening to different people (which has been such a privelege that others would open up to me), but part of me felt at times that the listening wasn't reciprocated. God definately used this to show me that I rarely give him the time to speak or talk to me, instead I come to him with my things on my own time and then it's back to life. This is an area I would really like to grow in more and be intentional about sitting and being still in Gods presence, letting Him get a chance to talk :)
Things you can pray for this week:
• Opportunities to have conversations with people and an earnest desire to beeter understand them
• Continued processing of the lies I am believing about myself and others
• I would take time to listen more intently to God
• That I would find rest throughout the weeks so I can keep going at a good pace
That's what's new around here. Feel free to email me at s_holechek@msn.com anytime. I would love to hear from you!
Have a happy 4th of July!
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