Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Digging into the Word

During the beginning of the Fall Quarter, Tim and I constantly swept through the dorms, trying to meet as many students possible.  We followed up with the students we helped move in.  During the first week or two we met Club 410, followed up with some referrals from friends and pastors, and tried to meet new students.  God really blessed our efforts and opened up many doors for us.  We now have a number of pockets of people spread out around campus.  Out of the six colleges spread across UCSD we have multiple pockets in three.

During our time in meeting with students, being mostly freshmen, we realized that we had believers who desired some good bible study and some who had non-believing friends who might be interested in joining us.  We decided a great place to start all the students was the Gospel of John.  We have geared most of these studies to be hybrids, or a mix, of Investigative Bible Discussions for someone who has no or little knowledge of the Bible or of Jesus, and Bible Studies for those who have some idea of who Jesus is and what the Bible says.  We did this for a few reasons: We wanted to be able to get a good idea of where all the students were at in their journey to and with Christ, and we wanted to make these sessions to be accessible and comfortable for someone just learning for the first time about Jesus Christ.  This seemed to work really well in trying to get the students that we met who know Jesus to ask their suite-mates to join.  A huge benefit to having these sessions in the Word on campus and in the dorms is everyone around sees and gets curious as to what their friends are doing.  It's been neat to see students join our studies because they see their friends reading the Word.

In Acts 2:42-47 it says: 42"They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 43Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. 44All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. 46Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved."  This was a key passage for us as we continued to pray and conduct sessions and studies on campus.  It was neat to see God literally add to our numbers at times.  One prime example of this which really excited Tim and I, as well as the students, were one day in the Muir College Dormitories.  We were in our second or third week oh a John study with about 4 other guys besides Tim and myself, one of them being a non-believer.  As we had our study people would walk through the commons lounge we were in and ask what we were doing.  The first person asked and we told them we were reading the Bible and asked if he would like to join.  He said sure!  So we gave him and extra Bible and he sat down and joined us.  Then, a second guy walked through about ten minutes later, this guy was in the military, and asked what we were doing.  We said reading the Bible, want to join us?  He said "Yeah, I'll be back," and walked off.  Two minutes later he came back out with his own Bible and started reading and discussing with us.  It was neat to see God grant us favor and have men join our discussion right there while we were doing it.  This was also very energizing for the believing students, for them to see people curious and seeking what Jesus is all about.  To say the least these times have been a blessing all around.

We have had many opportunities to look at who Jesus says he is and what the Bible message is all about.  It's exciting for students to ask questions and see what all of the other students come up with as possible answers.  These discussion times have also been crucial for the development of our older students.  A few of our older students have been coming to these sessions to help lead and facilitate discussion.  I am blown away by the insight that all the students have.  It really encourages me to spend more and more time with the Lord in the scriptures and strengthen my walk and knowledge of the Word.  This is not just for knowledge sake, but first and foremost to grow closer to our Lord Almighty. 

Tim decided he would like me to lead all the studies and discussions, while he listens and looks for ways to help communicate the big picture.  This has been great training for me, as I have previously only had the opportunity to lead one or two studies ever.  Now I am given the chance to lead multiple studies every week.  I have loved it and it helps me to become a better question asker and to step out of my comfort zone a bit. 

During these sessions we like to have three parts.  The main part is the discussion and study.  The other two parts: Tim likes to lead a time of scripture memory and a time of sharing and accountability.  These times have been great as this is the first time many students are memorizing scripture and it helps Tim and I to diligently memorize new verses as well.  College is a great time to train people to memorize the Word of God because they are already in the habit of studying and memorizing for academic purposes.  If we can help to create a habit of memorizing scripture now, they will have this skill and the memorized verses for good.  The last part of the sessions is Sharing with each other.  Tim encourages everyone to just share things they are going through, anxieties, struggles, praises, and things to be praying for each other.  When first doing this, it can be uncomfortable for students to do.  Especially as men, we find it hard to share our hearts and open up about areas of our life.  But as time goes on, everyone in these groups begin to trust each other more and more.  After sharing we usually pray for each other.  This time is good for everyone.  It helps everyone become more comfortable praying out loud and publicly with others.  Soon students begin to grasp the concept of prayer being a time to just talk to God, as you would with a friend.  This also helps to bond each other week by week as we start to check up on each other on how certain issues are improving or continuing.  A brotherhood is being created!

Please continue to pray for each of these studies.  Pray that the Word of God will transform the lives of each person in the sessions and grow each person closer to our Lord and Father.  Please also pray that these doors would continue to stay open and more doors would open as well.

Here are a few of the students and "gatekeepers" who make it possible for us to be in their dorms and suites!

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