Thursday, January 8, 2009

Two Months In...

Hello everyone,

Once again I must apologize.  It has been over a month since I last blogged anything and updated this on the Navigator ministry at UCSD.  God has been doing amazing things the past 5 weeks.  We have been leading multiple Bible studies and Investigative Bible Discussions in the dorms, helping students lead Nav Nights and Service Projects, and meeting with students one on one.


As stated in the "Welcome to Nav Night!" post, we are trying something a little different this quarter with Nav Nights.  This quarter our theme is Serving as a Team.  The different service projects the students came up with have been creative and fun. 

SD 005

One team of students spoke on the other side of service, Prayer.  So the following week all of the Nav students got together and prayed for different dorms, friends, the school, the country, and others.  Some students brought some of their friends to this as well!  It was a great time in prayer and fellowship.  SD 012

Another service project focused on healing and being there for people who are sick and hurt.  So as a group we went down to a retirement/hospital home.  It was a place where many people were placed when they could not take care of themselves anymore.  It also served as a hospital for people with cancer.  We broke into smaller groups and went from room to room spending time with people and offering warmth and encouragement.  It was a very new experience to most.  Though it was hard emotionally at times, it was clear to see that people were blessed by a little company.

The last service project of the semester was about stress and worry.  So, because it was around finals week, the students leading decided to have an event of fun, food, and games for students to come and relax.  It was a very fun time of helping people not to stress and a great activity for people to bring their friends to.  It served in a way that was practical, helpful, and fun for the students amidst midterms, projects, and upcoming finals.


These have been the service projects that we have taken part of this past Fall Quarter.  Each week before the service project we would have a time or Bible Study having to do with the topic covered for the project.  This semester Nav Nights have been a great time for all of our students to come together once a week and fellowship together.  For most it is a great time of encouragement and spiritual input.  Each quarter we will have a different theme.  This quarter has been serving as a team, next quarter will be Gods Love. 

Tim and I view NavNights as the cherry on top of everything else we do with the ministry.  It's such a treat to be able to have these times with our big group.  In the next post I'll tell you a little bit more about the Bible Studies and Investigative Bible Discussions.  The Bible Studies and One-on-One Discipleship are our meat and potatoes, our bread and butter, our time of deep investing. 

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